I am registering as the official representative of my organization. I am registering as a self pay participant.
Please leave this field empty.
First Name
Please leave this field empty.
Last Name
Title in Organization if applicable
Current position: Policy maker, student, grass roots, single activist, …
Policy maker Leadership Analyst / Researcher Activist (student, grass roots, single activist) Other
Size of the organization
0-5 5-10 20-50 >50
Are you a membership organization?
yes no
Address type:
Home Work
ZIP Code
Website, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram
We have arranged an exclusive pre-conference Shabbaton on Friday, Nov. 1st. If you would like to participate, please click below:
I want to be part of the Shabbaton
Saturday Program
I plan to participate in the Training program by DEBATE professional facilitators I plan to attend the networking party
Workshop Areas of Interest
[Choose 3 out of the below choices!]
EU policy making / Working with parliamentarians / delegations on EU level / national level Representative organizations Young leadership, youth and campus Grassroots activism – Mobilization; sharing of tools and resources Working with social media / traditional media Legal Challenges & Issues – where legal fights make sense
One paragraph about yourself… (If available, please attach / submit by email some more personal background, a short CV and passport size photograph).
I am interested in setting up an info desk / exhibiting materials about my organization.
yes no
Other comments / suggestions / requests for workshops:
Practical information:
Kosher Vegetarian No requirements
I agree that my data may be published in a participant brochure
incl. photo incl. address details incl. Email address incl. 1 paragraph about myself
Hotel information will follow with your registration confirmation!