INTRODUCTION – Basic requirement for participation
The 1st European Israel Congress is a “working event”. In order for us to be able to really interact and for everyone to have a chance to give their input, and to benefit from one another, etc., we have to limit the number of participants. Additionally, since there are subsidies for travel and fees, we can only subsidize ONE participant per organization. If you would like to attend with more members of your organization at your own cost, please indicate this on the form and ask each additional participant to mark this by clicking “self pay”. Thus, we ask for your understanding that there are criteria that formally have to be fulfilled for us to be able to confirm your participation:
Step 1 is to submit this completed application Online by September 30th, 2019. Please include a recommendation from your organization, confirming that you will be their official delegate.
Please note that this procedure is needed because we can only accept a limited number of participants.
Participation is depended on qualification and visible involvement in the subjects of pro-Israel advocacy and/or combating anti-Semitism. Attendance confirmations will be mailed out after September 30th. Late registrations will only be possible depending on space availability.
Please note that the main Conference will be on Sunday, November 3rd, from 8 am to 630 pm. Please be fair to yourself and to others, if you know that you will not be able to participate for at least the majority of the time, to not unnecessarily block the space for someone else.
One night accommodation (incl. breakfast) – either from Saturday to Sunday or from Sunday to Monday is covered by the European Israelcongress. Additional nights may be booked for a charge of € 75 (incl. breakfast), payable directly to the hotel.
The optional framework program starts on Friday with a complimentary Shabbat dinner. On Saturday there will be (voluntary) Shabbat services followed by a Kiddush at the Westend Synagogue (within walking distance of the hotel). In the afternoon there will be a walking tour through downtown, followed by a first networking session at the hotel. In the evening Congress guests are invited to a Networking Party with a guest star from Israel (free entrance), which is also open to the general public. Participants are responsible for their own supplemental expenses.
The Congress itself is free of charge for the participants. Coffee breaks and a luncheon are also included on Sunday. The program ends at 630 pm on Sunday. An optional framework program continues on Monday, for those who can spend the extra day.
You are responsible for your own travel to and from Frankfurt, including all insurance related expenses. It might be possible to get a scholarship for additional costs. If you need support in order to be able to participate, please indicate this in the appropriate space on the registration form.
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