Individuals can do a lot. Many individuals together become a force.
As a network, we are a strong and influential power to be reckoned with!
The 1st European Israel Congress is the first networking and training forum of this kind bringing together 200 key players and experts from across Europe and Israel and you need to be part of it, so mark your calendars!
Meet partners – make new friends – inform yourself – have fun.
Share your best practices and know-how, discuss challenges and opportunities, help build joint European strategies for Israel advocacy.
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Framework program: November 1st Shabbat dinner; November 2nd Open Networking Lounge and special training program by DEBATE professional facilitators, big party with show act from Israel. Entrance, meals and accommodation free of charge for Leadership members (one person per organization) and/or Key Activists.
If you have any questions, colleagues you would like us to invite, or special topics you would like to see included in the program, please email us at:
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